Poetry Honoring our Armed Forces

All poems, but one was written by me (Amy Krome)



Title: PTSD


Thanks to the sacrifices of our heroes we, the people have the freedom to pursue a life of happiness.

Just as the American Bald Eagle soars through the skies Freely.

Unfortunately, for many of these heroes that have made sacrifices have returned with wounds that are invisible.

These invisible wounds can affect their loved ones just as much as the visible ones.

As brave and courageous Americans feel our service members are when they are injured defending her!

We, Americans NEED to Do the following:

Have Patients Give it Time Be Supportive and Be Dependable


Title: Don't Quit


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown



Title:  The Angel Creed


I am an Angel

I am a Guardian and a member of a team. I support the Elite Warriors of the United States.

I will always provide the divine message of love, support and appreciation to the Elite Warriors.

I will never let our Elite Warriors walk alone

I will never let any Elite Warrior feel unloved

I will never let a fallen Warrior be forgotten

I stand ready to support, love, and appreciate the United States’ Elite Warriors through the good, bad and ugly.

I am a Messenger of support to the Elite Warriors who defend my freedoms and way of life.

I am an ANGEL!



Title: Over There - Over Here


Over There our troops are Over There

First tour, second tour, third tour with strength and courage they go Over There.

Making sacrifices Over There while we are Over Here living our lives.

When all they truly want is a small piece of home and to know they are loved, supported and appreciated while they are Over There.

Over Here there is team of Angels who ensures that they receive a piece of home and know that they are loved, supported and appreciated while they are Over There.

Over Here we experience our own each individual difficulty. Over There some may experience the joy of a thankful child. Over There some may experience things that no one person can imagine. Over There some may pay the ultimate sacrifice.

When it comes time for them to return from Over There to Over Here they deserve the respect and gratitude for the sacrifices that they endured.

Over There, Over Here our troops should always feel that they are loved, supported and appreciated....





Title: Answering the Call of Duty


They answer the call of duty...giving their all 24/7 365

Not always knowing what’s around the next corner

Sacrifices are made...

Small pieces of themselves, injuries, their lives

For WHAT?.....to protect our FREEDOMS!.


Who are they?...our Military Might!

Not always receiving a THANK YOU or a pat on the back from the ones that they make the sacrifices for...

Sacrificing pieces of themselves, their bodies and sometimes their lives.

When able they WILL once again answer the call of duty.

For what?...to protect our FREEDOMS!

For who?...US....AMERICA!

For they are our Military Might!





Title: For Our Armed Forces


Some are called Soldiers, some are called Marines, some are called Sailors, some are called Airman and some are called Coasties. they are our US ARMED FORCES

They are near and far. Deployed six months, a year maybe even longer

In warzones, war torn countries or on "assignment" they serve their country with Strength, Courage and Honor.

Missing their friends and family with each passing day of a deployment.. leads up to the excitement and anticipation of a count down of months, weeks, days, hours and seconds of a much needed leave

Anxiously awaiting for that day to come the day that EVERY member of our Armed Forces looks forward too to go home Stateside that is to see their friends and family!!

Excited to see their friends..hold their loved ones tight. To our Armed Forces the feeling of being back in the LAND of FREE and the HOME of BRAVE is worth all of the sacrifices in the world

Leave or R & R should be a time for our Armed Forces to recharge, have some fun get a little lovin' some good food and much needed sleep.

NO member of our Armed Forces should ever feel that being on deployment is better then being in the LAND of the FREE and the HOME of the BRAVE!

After all it IS the LAND of the FREE and the HOME of the BRAVE that our ARMED FORCES are making sacrifices for it should be the one place on earth that our ARMED FORCES would rather BE!





Title: The Extraordinary


America has ordinary citizens that are extraordinary

They come in different shapes, sizes and colors

Some even walk on four legs

America's extraordinary citizens are unique in every way.

They have a unique sense of Pride, Courage Heart and strength to do what needs to be done when called upon

Leaving the ones that they love behind

Towards the unknown they go...

To protect, defend or rescue....

Giving their all so all of US are safe!











This website is the sole property of Amy Krome you may NOT duplicated any part of this site out the permission of Amy Krome

(formerly  Amy Hammonds)