About Me


    Since the last time this website as a whole was updated my life as been a rollercoaster. A big part of my interests will ALWAYS be taking care of our Armed Forces. It truly is fulfilling so much so I was inspired to write three poem.  In addition to being involved with Soldiers' Angels I also have a Cafepress store called  America's Military Slogan Store & More. It's a creative and fun way for everyone to support our Armed Forces.

 Even with being an "Angel" my love of travel hasn't left, my new adventure in NOW OPEN ! H.A.L.O. Travel was OPENED over the July 3th weekend. We are fully cleared by our parent Travel Agency InteleTravel, which has been in business for over 30years. In 1990, I graduated with a degree in Travel & Tourism from Dorsey Business Schools in Madison Heights, MI then went onto work in the Travel & Tourism field for 10 yrs, specializing in Traveling for the Disabled. On my new adventure I will be adding helping Wounded Warriors

H.A.L.O. Videos:

Coming Soon

Grand Opening

In 2015, I created a charity event called Angel on the Move,  To better help spread the word about Angel on the Move; Angel Movement was created. It's hard to believe it's been six years since Angel on the Move was created. There will be two events in 2021, the 5th and 6th Annual Angel on the Move two months apart. Due to COVID-19, the 5th Annual Angel on the Move was put on hold until it could be adapted for the Pandemic, both the 5th and 6th Annual Angel on the Move will be VIRTUAL! The 5th Annual Angel on the Move will be July 2nd-4th, 2021 and the 6th Annual Angel on the Move will be September 4th-6th, 2021, since 2015, Angel on the Move has raised a total of $3,809.00.



In partnership with Reggie, who is US Army Veteran we decided to become Avon Representatives. Our goal is to make EVERYONE Man or Woman feel Positive and Transformed in any Service or Duty they are to do. In addition, some of our Avon Product will be sent to our Deployed US ARMED FORCES!


 Photography: I love to take pictures! Ask her dogs


    Working out: Jon one of my older brothers got me into working out partly by using me as a “wrestling dumby” when practicing his wrestling moves. (Jon has NEVER hurt me while practicing wrestling moves on her) I lift weights and works out instead of going to Physical Therapy.


     Family: Family is important to me. I LOVE to visit my brothers and nieces and nephews as well as my parents. I often joke with my brothers that it’s alright if they are busy that I really just came to see the kids. I would love to see her family a little more but with schedule conflicts it is hard.


    Shopping: I LOVE to shop either whether it's online or in a store.


    Auto Racing: Thanks to my father’s career I was exposed to Auto Racing. I LOVE Indy cars (Formal 1) and likes some NASCAR, but not as much a the “Indies.” Amy’s favorite Indy drivers are: The Legendry AJ Foyt, The Sr. Unser, Al Unser, Jr., and Emerson Fittipaldi.


     Sports: Football and Basketball are my favorite Sports. The Pistons are still my favorite NBA team at least the original team. The Pistons that won the back to back NBA Championship in the‘80’s my favorite football team was and is the Pittsburgh Steelers’ of the ‘70’s with Joe “Mean Joe” Green.









This website is the sole property of Amy Krome you may NOT duplicated any part of this site out the permission of Amy Krome

(formerly  Amy Hammonds)